Well, hello everyone! The Limmer family really didn't fall off the face of the earth, I just tend to do things in spurts.:) A lot has happened since I last updated this blog!
Christmas was a fabulous time at our house. We had lots of snow and had the pleasure of getting snowed in at Justin's parents house with some wonderful family members. It made the holiday lovely and relaxing. Moses got his promised drumset, as you can see, and is a very cool drummer. We also got a picture of him with Great Grandma Limmer, who is 93 years old. I am so grateful for her legacy. She still lives on her own, gets down on her knees to scrub her floor and I have to fight her to wash the dishes at family meals. Her years and years of faithful service to Jesus have given our family such an amazing platform, and I know her prayers have impacted our lives tremendously. Because of the snow, we waited until New Year's to celebrate with my family, but it actually made it really nice to spread out the festivities a little. It also happened to be my 30th birthday (gulp!) and I enjoyed spending it with the people who made my birth possible in the first place!
January led us to Nebraska for a conference, which meant we got to stay with the Higgins family! They were in Africa with us picking up their boys Etienne and Ezekiel, and it was so good to be with them again. Aaahh...the refreshment of friends. 7 kids, 4 adults, 1 dog and tons of playing and talking to be had by all.
I started back to college classes a couple of days after we got home. I went back to school when I had Asia, and have been steadily plugging away at my elementary education degree ever since. I sat out this past fall semester, but if I stay on course, I'll graduate in May 2011. It's good to be making progress on that goal again.
We have been bugging Moses' doctor for awhile about the lab results testing him for parasites. Moses had gone through 2 treatments on Flagyl, but I kept saying to the doctor that something still didn't seem right. They finally realized they had misread the lab results and there were 3 more parasites that the Flagyl alone would not treat. So, he's just now finishing a 20-day course of meds that will hopefully be the last. I'd also read some recommendations to do a lactose-free diet after chronic giardia. After looking at our options, I decided to put him on goat's milk, and we saw almost immediate improvement in his stools. He's not 100% yet, but I feel like we're definitely getting there. He also had more bloodwork done at the beginning of the month to retest his lead levels. He originally had a level of 15 (doctor wanted to see it below 10), but this time around it was a 5! He has to have one more test below 10 for the doctor to be satisfied. Moses is also picking up tons of new words and growing like a weed. He says "Hold you" and "up please" when he wants picked up. He used to call both the girls "Asia" but now he calls Trina "eena". He's outgrown all the 18 month clothes we had and his first pair of shoes. He officially wears a bigger size shoe than his big sister. Wow!
I'll work on shortening the time between my blogging spurts, at least by posting pictures. :)