Thought I'd take a minute to post some pictures from our trip. Due to the technological unsaaviness that plagues me, I have no idea how to do captions for the individual photos! Sigh. So, unfortunately for you, I have listed them all below.
1) "The Blue Gate" - sounds very "Lord of the Rings-ish", doesn't it? This is the gate to the entrance of the orphanage. Actually, there are a lot of blue gates in Kigali, but this one is very special!
2) Sugarcane field outside of Kigali
3) Rwandan boys posing for camera. We had pulled off the road to take some scenery pictures when we heard this group of boys yelling, "Muzungus!", which means white person in Kinyarwandan. They came down to the car and wanted to practice their English with us. They were more than happy to ham it up for a good picture!
4) Cheesy grin!
5)First experience with bubbles
6)More sugarcane on the way to Lake Rwesero
7)This monkey was the full extent of our "wildlife" experience in Rwanda. He was at Lake Rwesero and was quite the character. Molly found that out when she stood just a tiny bit too close to the cage and he pulled her braid!
8) Moses trying out his sea legs on the dock
9)Lake Rwesero
10) All 5 adopted children with Nyanja.
11) Sister Katherine and Moses. Sister Katherine is from France and she is the one who came to Nyanja shortly after Moses was transferred to Home of Hope and asked her to find him a family specifically.
12) Traditional Ethiopian food. This was a really fun experience. You tear off pieces of the bread, called injera, and scoop up the food with it. Everyone uses their hands and sits around the platter. A very nice custom that accompanies this is a handwashing before and after the meal.
Moses Update:
We have been busy this last week. Because there is no guarantee of the conditions in Rwanda and Ethiopia, our pediatrician recommended that we retest Moses for everything (HIV, Hepatitis, syphillis, lead poisoning, rickets, etc.), as well as determine how well he was vaccinated. We also needed to get him tested for parasites (his diapers are horrendously stinky! So much so that the diaper pail is in the garage!). First time we went to get his blood drawn, they stuck him five times with no success. Ugh. We waited a day and went back, crossing our fingers that a very experienced phlebotomist would be there. First time was a charm and we got all the blood needed. Stool sample came back positive for giardia, but negative for any other parasites. The rest of his bloodwork isn't back yet, but we are believing for a good report.
Moses' sleep schedule is finally starting to even out as well. For a while, he was waking up at 4:00, wanting to play a few hours, and then take a leisurely morning nap. Mommy wised up after a couple of days of that, and I kept him up until his regular naptime. What a crabface that morning, but he has slept great ever since!
ReplyDeleteYep once you smell giardia you will never forget it. The smell will go away when he is successfully treated but it will take awhile to get his stomach back in shape. Try giving him yogurt. Did they test for all the rare parasites that pop up in Africa? We finally discovered a lingering parasite in my daughter that her regular pediatrician had never tested her for.
Thanks for all the pictures and details, Heidi! We enjoy hearing all about your experiences and are temporarily living vicariously through you.:)
ReplyDeleteHeidi thanks for all the pictures. I am sure that Moses will cherish all of them when he gets older! I am glad to hear that his sleeping is better now and that they got all the bloodwork done! He sure is a cutie! I am hoping to get my mom and come up to meet my newest cousin sometime soon! We have been praying so much for you guys and praise God that you are home and safe and loving every minute with your son! He is absolutely adorable! God is so good!!
ReplyDeleteHey! Can we use your blue gate picture for our website???? :)