Earlier this week, Moses got his first haircut. Because of laying down in his crib so much, or maybe it's just the way he sleeps, but his hair was very patchy. The top was quite long and I loved it, but the thin spots in the back just drove me crazy. I tried to cut his hair myself but it was unsuccessful (note to self: get sharp clippers!), so we went to a friend of ours who is a hair stylist and the results were much better. :) He looks like such a little man! The same day we also had to clip off the necklace that he had been wearing. It was a medallion of Saint Mary that had been put on him in one of the orphanages, and I had waited as long as possible to cut it off. He played with it when he was scared or nervous, and I didn't want to take away his only "security blanket". Unfortunately, it just got too tight, and needed to come off. It made me emotional to think that it is the only thing that we have from the first 16 months of his life. I have noticed him still finger his neck from time to time, but he seems to be doing ok without it.
All his medical tests came back good, with the exception of his lead levels. They are slightly elevated but not enough to cause anemia, so the doctor will just retest him in three months to make sure they are dropping. It wasn't a big surprise as many developing countries still use lead-based paint and the cribs at the orphanage are all painted heavily.
He is picking up new words every day, like "uh-oh", and big sister Trina taught him to run through the house with his arms up saying "Yeah!" I taught him a couple of signs for things, like "please" and "more" and "all done" so there isn't as much grunting at the dinner table, and he has caught on quickly to that as well. He also loves to dance (the more bass the better!) and play drums. If you can't tell, our little man has stolen our hearts, and we couldn't be happier about it!
It's quite obvious he has stolen your hearts! You are already so attune to him and his needs -- it's so touching to hear you talk of him and his nature and such. What a gift he is to your family and what a gift you all are to him! God is soooooo good!
ReplyDeleteawe... thats so wonderful..you are amazing.. and im happy that you can bless someones life the way you are.. congrats on your son miss.. cant wait to hear more about him
ReplyDeleteI love that you call him "little man!" I always thought that if we had a little boy I would call him that. "Little woman" just sounds like a book. :)